Where can I stay ?

Firle place is situated near the beautiful South Down’s in West Sussex, but it may be a bit to far for just a day trip.

We have complied a great selection of options for those looking to stay the night, which can be found below. As well as this, we would suggest looking on AirBnB for places in such as Lewes, Eastborne or Brighton.

Places we recommend:

Blue Door Barns, Nr Lewes 01273 858 893
07788 446 621 www.bluedoorbarns.com

The Ram Inn, Firle
01273 858 222 www.raminn.co.uk

Hall Court Farm, Firle/Ripe 01323 811 496 www.hallcourtfarm.co.uk

Shelleys Hotel, Lewes 01273 472 361

Felix House B&B, Lewes 01273 473 250 www.lewesbedandbreakfast.co.uk

The White Lodge, Cooksbridge 01273 400 151 www.whitelodgesussex.com

Jolly Sportsman, East Chiltington 01273 890 400 www.thejollysportsman.com

Bo Peep Farm House, Alcistion 01323 871 299 www.bopeepfarmhouse.co.uk

Ranscombe Farmhouse B&B, Glynde 01273 858 490 www.ranscombehouse.co.uk

This is a website with a select, but excellent, selection of B&B and self catering accommodation in the local area.

This is a portal for lots of B&Bs in the Lewes area.

The Premier Inn, Lewes
www.premierinn.com/gb/en/hotels/en gland/east-sussex/lewes/ lewes- town-centre.html

The Star, Alfriston 01323 870 495
www.thepolizzicollection.com/ the- star/

Deans Place, Alfriston 01323 870 248 www.deansplace.co.uk

The Wingrove, Alfriston 01323 870 276 www.wingrovehousealfriston.co.uk

The Flint Barns (Rathfinny Wine Estate) 01323 874 030 www.rathfinnyestate.com/flint-barns

Little Norlington Barn, Ringmer 01273 813 321
07930 983 389 www.littlenorlingtonbarn.co.uk